Other career opportunities:

Lawyer, milk consumer, cookie baker, map reader, furniture admirer!


If your cable doesn't suck, it's not Bogus!

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. . ..Careers

If you would like to receive employment information regarding Bogus Entertainment's wide variety of career opportunities, please fill out the form below, and we'll read your mind and send you exactly the information you want.

Don't be shy...we're taking over the world one day anyway, why not help us start today!

Radio DJ

That's right ladies and gentleman, a new Radio DJ will be coming to you across the Bogus Airwaves, every Monday - Friday from 12am to 11pm! Tune in starting the 26th of Decemeber and your mind will be blown!

Television Personality

If you think you have what it takes to be a personality on television, we have many career opportunities for you! From a news anchor to the host of your very own talk show, we have positions available for the discerning professional.


Bogus Entertainment is searching for someone of legal import who would like a job cleaning up after our professional slobs. Fill out the form below if you are interested in this high-paying position. Compensation depends on experience. Apply today!

Don't be shy.
We know you're lying.
A value is required.Help us stalk you.